We are delighted to welcome back a wonderful and knowledgeable speaker, Dr David Lee, Clinical Director of Sleep Unlimited, for a fascinating conversation about the importance of sleep.
In our previous session with Dr Lee, we discussed corrupted sleep in individuals who have sustained catastrophic injuries. This session of Stewarts Soundbites is all about you, the busy professionals working with clients and patients who have sustained life-changing injuries.
It is fair to assume that busy work and home lives impact the amount and quality of our sleep. Indeed, struggling to fit in sufficient sleep and achieve a satisfactory work-life balance has become an increasing challenge for all. The lines between work and home have been blurred throughout lockdown, and it is more tempting than ever to spend extra time at our computers.
In this session, Dr Lee explored common sleep problems, the potentially harmful effects of insufficient/poor quality sleep and offer top tips for breaking bad habits and improving your sleep.
About the guest speaker: Dr David Lee, Chartered Psychologist and Chartered Scientist, Clinical Director of Sleep Unlimited
Dr David Lee BSc PhD CertEd CPsychol AFBPsS CSci is a Chartered Psychologist and Chartered Scientist who has been teaching, researching and disseminating findings from his own research into sleep and the psychobehavioural treatment of insomnia for the last fifteen years.
He holds memberships with the World Association of Sleep Medicine, the British Sleep Society, The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, The British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapists and The British Psychological Society, where he also holds an Associate Fellowship.
David has held various academic posts, but now works full-time as Clinical Director for Sleep Unlimited Ltd. A company which specialises in the delivery of training of psychobehavioural treatment strategies for insomnia under the umbrella of the REST programme and in the assessment and treatment of individuals with insomnia.
Previous Stewarts Soundbite episodes
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