Emma Lyons and Ben Townsend shared some top tips on document production during personal injury litigation.

This episode is for case managers and all rehabilitation professionals working with those affected by serious injury.

Ben and Emma discussed:

  • What is required in key documents and reports;
  • A brief recap on which documents and notes are privileged and which are not (and to what extent rehab professionals and case managers need to worry about this!);
  • When it is appropriate/necessary to share documentation with others, and the impact circulating documents may have in a disclosure context;
  • How to manage referring to expert evidence which has not yet been disclosed;
  • How to deal with difficult or negative issues in reports which may impact upon the case but are necessary for the team to be aware of.

Watch the recording here.

Document production, sharing and effective reporting during personal injury litigation

About the speaker – Ben Townsend, Partner

Ben specialises in brain and spinal cord injury claims. He is described in Chambers 2018 as ‘extremely intelligent. He deals with a lot of challenging cases, and is very on the ball and very involved in the wider picture.’

Ben advises on high-value personal injury claims, particularly brain and spinal cord injuries, including claims with an international element. He has experience of equestrian cases, as well as burn and amputation injuries.

Ben has acted in many brain and spinal cord injury claims, including accidents abroad. He has supervised fee earners conducting many more. His highlights include achieving multimillion pound settlements resulting from a range of types of accidents, including road traffic accidents and accidents at work.



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