Sophie’s recent work includes:
- Acting for a defendant in claims concerning breach of trust and defamation relating to the estate of a high net worth individual.
- Acting for various companies under a trust structure on a claim involving allegations of fraud, anti-suit injunctions, jurisdiction challenges, world-wide freezing injunctions and contempt of court.
- Galapagos Bidco SARL v Kebekus & Ors – acting for an insolvency administrator in multi-jurisdictional proceedings concerning the restructuring of debts of €1.2 billion owed by a group of companies manufacturing heat exchangers and cooling systems.
- Acting for a property developer in a breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duty claims, involving complex issues of asset tracing across several jurisdictions.
- Acting for the joint liquidators of companies which were key components of a fraudulent investment scheme, whereby funds invested were dissipated through a network of related entities.
- Acting for the shareholders of an oil company in multi-jurisdictional litigation against a Russian state-owned company.
- Acting for an Irish bank in relation to the tracing of assets worldwide in connection with conspiracy proceedings.
- Acting for a French consortium in a claim for fraudulent misrepresentation against an Indian manufacturing company.
- Advising on subject access requests under the GDPR.
- Advisor to News International in relation to the voicemail interception crisis.
Sophie has significant expertise in:
- Fraud claims and investigations including those involving asset tracing, freezing injunctions, gagging orders and applications for Norwich Pharmacal relief;
- Banking disputes including issues of anti-money laundering and the Quincecare duty;
- Media disputes including defamation, breach of confidence, misuse of private information, internal investigations as well as pre and post-publication matters;
- Technology disputes including cyber-security and data breach responses; and
- In addition to her extensive litigation experience, Sophie has acted for clients in arbitration proceedings under various rules including SIAC, ICC and LCIA.
Before joining Stewarts, Sophie spent seven years at Olswang LLP. Sophie has also spent time working in Singapore on various arbitrations and in-house at global technology company, IBM.
Sophie is part of a cross-firm team organising London International Disputes Week.
Dealing with subject access requests under the GDPR – Lexology
Hobbies are a pipe dream at the moment – Sophie spends all her free time trying to keep up with and entertain her three children but she wouldn’t change it for the world!