The principles of diversity, equality and inclusion are important to Stewarts and these values are embedded in the ethos and culture of the firm.
We are committed to being an equal opportunities employer. We seek to provide equality of opportunity and diversity, and we oppose all forms of discrimination. We believe in treating all of our employees equally and fairly, and pay people equally for the same or equivalent work regardless of their gender.
We are required by law to publish an annual gender pay gap report. This is a measure of the difference between average pay for men and women across the firm. This is not a comparison of how much we pay men and women in the same or similar roles and is not a report on equal pay.
This report is a snapshot as at 5 April 2023. The figures set out below have been calculated using the standard methodologies used in the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.
We have broken down our analysis into the four different employee groups within the firm:
Our lawyer and paralegal results identify a slight difference on pay in favour of males, whereas the pay gaps within our Business Services group identify a positive difference in favour of females.
Part time work is currently undertaken mainly by female employees (29 females v 3 males). This affects bonus payments, which are pro-rated to reflect part-time working.
The gender gap in respect of Directors is similar to last year, as the composition of that group has not changed in the period under review.
We aim to reduce our gender pay gap and anticipate doing so over time. We are committed to equality and diversity, and we oppose all forms of discrimination.
For further information please contact Clare McCabe, Head of HR, on