Recovery following a brain or spinal injury, or any other neurological disability, can be hugely complex, long and slow-moving. Consultants in Rehabilitation Medicine offer specialist insight in overseeing challenging client presentations and rehabilitation programmes.

Dr Edmund Bonikowski is an experienced Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine. He has previously chaired webinars explaining the role rehabilitation consultants can play, including a session with Stewarts’ partner Ben Townsend.

In this special episode of Stewarts Soundbites, Dr Bonikowski explores:

  • The background and role of a rehabilitation consultant in a multidisciplinary team (MDT), when to involve them and how often;
  • The value of rehabilitation prescriptions;
  • Introducing input from a rehabilitation consultant in the context on ongoing litigation and cost-effectiveness;
  • The importance of managing pathology to maximise rehabilitation potential and success;
  • How a rehabilitation consultant integrates into an MDT.


View the recording below


Neurological rehabilitation Soundbites


Our speaker – Dr Edmund Bonikowski, Panel Chair and founder of NRC Medical Experts

A consultant in rehabilitation medicine with over 25 years of experience, Dr Bonikowski has held acute and community-based NHS posts in neurological and amputee rehabilitation. He is currently the consultant at the Somerset Neurological Rehabilitation Centre and is leading expansion of NHS neurological rehabilitation services there.

Dr Bonikowski founded and led the independent rehabilitation and case management provider, Kynixa, which delivered comprehensive clinical and vocational rehabilitation programmes to approximately 1200 people severely injured in accidents. In April 2014, Dr Bonikowski began accepting medico-legal referrals for people with brain, spinal cord and brachial plexus injuries arising from accidents and clinical negligence.



Previous Stewarts Soundbites episodes

A series of bitesize webcasts designed to deliver concise and interesting updates, conversations and presentations on a range of topics, brought to you by our specialist lawyers and featuring some special guest speakers – Find out more.

Stewarts Soundbites



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