Child injury lawyers
Claims brought on behalf of children who have sustained serious injuries have their own specific challenges and it is vital that your child’s injury claim is dealt with by a specialist. As one of the leading injury firms in England and Wales, we have great expertise in relation to child injuries.
Securing the best future for your child
Your child sustaining a serious injury is devastating. Our role is to secure the best possible future for your child. We have recovered more than £1.3bn in damages in the last decade and acted for over 2,500 seriously injured or bereaved clients.
Unlike other law firms, we only act for clients who have sustained serious life-changing injuries and work closely with many of the leading figures in injury rehabilitation. We are therefore able to select the most appropriate experts to help accurately assess and evaluate your claim.
Child brain injury claims
Children’s brain injuries are different because of the challenges posed by their brain’s ongoing development. This can mean the full effect of a child’s brain injury cannot be assessed accurately for much longer than a similar adult brain injury. It is important that these complex claims are assessed carefully over the right timescale.
Child spinal injury claims
Similarly, children’s spinal injury claims are complicated by the fact that the child is still growing and their adult height, weight and overall condition is not yet known. It is essential that the best experts are instructed who can provide an accurate prognosis for their future.
Rehabilitation and interim payments
Early rehabilitation and intervention is not only vital to help children reach their maximum potential following an injury, but also to try to help them stay in mainstream schooling with the extra support they may require.
As with other serious injury claims, interim payments make a real difference by providing the funds for private rehabilitation, re-housing, the implementation of care and case management and the provision of continuing rehabilitation post discharge.
Our experience with child injury claims
We understand that our clients and their families have lives which do not revolve around litigation. We will build the case around your lives, trying to put them back as they were before the accident as far as that is possible. Rehabilitation is a vital part of this process and we can provide access to an independent living advice service and a range of leading child injury case managers who will tailor the rehabilitation to your child’s needs.
We are true specialists in this complicated field.
Help with your child injury claim
If your child has suffered a serious injury or you would like a second opinion on an ongoing case, please contact us.
"The phenomenal Stewarts remains the stand out firm for claimant personal injury. The extremely effective team has an outstanding track record in high value catastrophic injury work"
The Legal 500
"An excellent reputation as a go-to for claimants in complex catastrophic injury claims, including brain, spinal, tetraplegic and fatal injury claims. Notable for its strength in depth as well as its ability to secure top settlements for its clients"
"They are a great firm, no two ways about it. They have some great people and an excellent reputation"
Meet the Personal Injury team
Our team includes some of the UK’s leading personal injury lawyers, with a reputation for innovative and groundbreaking litigation.
Our specialist injury lawyers only deal with serious injury claims.