Specialised burns claims lawyers

We specialise in claims for compensation following burns injuries.

Our lawyers combine expert knowledge of the law of personal injury with an understanding of severe burns and its implications.


Securing the best future for you and your family

Sustaining a serious injury is devastating. Our role is to secure the best possible future for you and your family. We have recovered more than £1.3bn in damages in the last decade and acted for over 2,500 seriously injured or bereaved clients.

Unlike other law firms, we only act for clients who have sustained serious life-changing injuries and work closely with many of the leading figures in injury rehabilitation. We are therefore able to select the most appropriate experts to help accurately assess and evaluate your claim. 


Our experience with burns claims

In complex cases, instructing us early is important as it provides us with an opportunity to obtain interim payments to assist with the purchase of private medical treatment, including private rehabilitation and continuing rehabilitation post-discharge.

We have been successfully involved in a number of high-profile cases following severe burns.


Support for a burns claim

If you or a family member have suffered burns injuries or you would like a second opinion on an ongoing case, please contact us.

Meet the Personal Injury team

Our team includes some of the UK’s leading personal injury lawyers, with a reputation for innovative and groundbreaking litigation.

Our specialist injury lawyers only deal with serious injury claims. 

Warren Maxwell, Partner, Personal Injury, Stewarts

If you require assistance, please contact us or request a call from one of our lawyers.

Related client story

Ulrika Björkstam was left with second and third degree burns to 45% of her body and 90% of her face after a Learjet fell from the sky and crashed into the ground beside her.

Ulrika has given an inspiring and articulate TED Talk vividly describing her experiences and provides a compelling message to all of us, but especially to those that have suffered serious injury in an unexpected accident. See Ulrika’s TED Talk here.

Ulrika Bjorkstam TED Talk